In this stunning series finale, Fate is captive on the world of the Dreamspinners as their threads of doom reach out to threaten Earth. Can Khalid find the power within himself to survive in a mythology not his own?
Art by Brendan McCarthy
In this stunning series finale, Fate is captive on the world of the Dreamspinners as their threads of doom reach out to threaten Earth. Can Khalid find the power within himself to survive in a mythology not his own?
Art by Brendan McCarthy
The threads of fate are dangling down to the Freedom Tower, latching and taking away the souls of New Yorkers, including the current Doctor Fate Khalid’s family and friends. Khalid’s mad pursuit to save them will take him on a cosmic journey, through space and time, to the world of the Dreamspinners—all illustrated by the uniquely fantastic art of Brendan McCarthy (MAD MAX: FURY ROAD, ROGAN GOSH)
In these tales from issues #8-12, Khalid’s quest leads the young Doctor Fate to Egypt, where he discovers that supernatural forces have conspired to make life a lot harder for humanity than it should be.
Art by: Sonny Liew
Cover by: Brendan McCarthyIn this climactic concluding chapter, chaos reigns as New York City is plunged into darkness and terrifying mummies rise to wreak havoc on the streets. And in the center of it all, Osiris, has come to render judgment on Doctor Fate and the rest of mankind. But can even the combined might of two magic wielders be enough to defeat the God of Death?
DC Comics has shared an EXCLUSIVE preview, click to read here — Comicosity
Art by: Sonny Liew
Cover by: Inaki MirandaTrapped in the realm of the Efreet, young Khalid Nassour must fight to regain his soul or be lost for all eternity in another dimension, and the only person who can aid him is the previous Doctor Fate, Kent Nelson. But has Nelson returned to help Nassour learn how to wield his powers, or to wrest them from him and keep them for himself. As we learn the startling answer to that question, Nassour’s life hangs in the balance.
DC Comics has shared an EXCLUSIVE preview, click to read here — 13th Dimension
Art by: Inaki Miranda
Cover by: Ibrahim MoustafaKent Conrad, the original Doctor Fate, has come to New York to try to assist the newest bearer of the power, Khalid Nassour, in learning how to use and control it. But when their lessons lead to an Efreet emerging through a portal and lighting New York afire, Khalid and Kent must defeat it and take it back to where it came from. But when the smoke clears, will one of them be stuck on the wrong side?
Art by: Ibrahim Moustafa
Cover by: Tony HarrisFrom a windowless tower in Salem, Massachusetts, a man who is familiar with Doctor Fate, Kent Nelson, smells trouble coming. But will he be able to properly teach the former medical student and current possessor of the mystical power, Khalid Nassour, how to truly be Doctor Fate before all New York City is aflame?
With art by Sonny Liew
The victorious Khalid returns to Brooklyn determined to get on with his life, but that’s easier said than done when you’re a novice superhero juggling romance, homework, and the untold powers of Doctor Fate. Fortunately, help comes in the form of a man who might know something about it: Uncle Kent Nelson.
With art by Sonny LiewThe emperor Julius Caesar has reached out from beyond the grave to resume his campaign against the Egyptian people, and only the young Doctor Fate can protect his ancestral homeland from the ghost of its former conqueror.
With art by Sonny Liew
You thought global warming was bad? Anubis, the Egyptian Lord of Dead, is preparing the flood to wash the world away. Standing in his way? An overwhelmed Brooklyn med student who’s been handed the helmet of Fate, without an instruction manual.
This title collects the first seven issues of the acclaimed new series, plus the eight-page sneak peek story from CONVERGENCE: AQUAMAN #2!