The dragon in Dragonsword gave me big Smaug vibes, was that intentional ?
14. August 2024
It’s possible. But I’ve loved dragons from Anne McCaffrey’s books too. (And Naomi Novick’s, but those came much later).
Where did the idea for Dragonsword come from ?
28. July 2024
I don’t recall any single source of inspiration. I’m a fan of sword & sorcery, and read a lot of it in my youth, but not sure which books led me to Dragonsword. Thanks for remembering it!
Hey there Mr. Levitz. I was doing some reading on some of the old Jonah Hex comics and I ran into a pretty juicy one about a stagecoach robber that happened in Wyoming where the gang and leader were all killed in the end. At the last page it menitons an editors note saying that this story was based on true events. I was curious to see how you guys got a hold of such a story.
24. April 2024
It would have been the writer who found it, Michael Fleisher I assume?
In the great comicbook armada, writers/artists/creators tend to float whereas editors, like ships’ captains, generally remain within their own flotilla led by their publisher-admiral. Hypothetically, if you hadn’t embodied DC to such a degree, which characters and/or which working Ts&Cs may have tempted you to write for Marvel 30 to 40 years ago?
19. January 2024
I was most fond of AVENGERS and X-MEN of the main Marvel titles…always liked group books with characters with different costumes or powers. But the occasion didn’t come up until a couple of years ago.
Paul – many thanks for sharing your insights into DC history here and on FB. I have a question relating to DC’s use of subscription sales to readers as an adjunct to newsstand distribution in those years prior to the direct market. It seemed there were periods in the 1970s when DC did not offer mail subscriptions, and then made a big thing of the availability of subs my mail. What changes in the market caused this change of sales strategy? It may seem an esoteric question. Thanks for sharing any insights you might have.
19. January 2024
Subs were never a great source of revenue in my time, though I delighted in mine when I was a kid. I think during my tenure we always did them, but sometimes promoted, sometimes not, depending on the thoughts of the sales & marketing team.
Hello, Paul, Would you be interested in writing on Will Eisner for a project celebrating the Art Students League’s 150th anniversary?
19. January 2024
Sorry, didn’t see this until today…is it still relevant?
I’m not sure who has the rights to reprint The Spirit now, but I think that with the popularity of omnibuses it would be a no-brainer to repackage the Spirit stories in omnibus format. Maybe expand the offerings to include the DC and Dynamite Spirit series and include some of the things that didn’t
19. January 2024
Quick question, you had plans for an LSH annual that got held up because of what was going on with a Green Lantern relaunch as well as the 5YL Legion. Do you recall what story that annual was going to tell?
19. January 2024
No memory of this, sorry.